The object-oriented features of JavaScript, such as constructors and prototype chains, are possibly the most misunderstood aspects of the language. Plenty of people who have been working full time with JavaScript still struggle with these concepts, and I argue that this is purely a result of its confusing, Java-style syntax.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Hiding beneath the “new” keyword is a rich and elegant object model, and we’ll spend some time coming to grips with it.
By seeing how simple inheritance in JavaScript can be if we use more modern syntax, we’ll be able to better understand the unfortunate syntax we’ve been stuck with from the beginning.
JavaScript’s lack of class
The biggest act of misdirection in JavaScript is that it looks like it has classes. When someone is new to JavaScript, particularly if they come from another language that does have classes, they might be surprised to find code like this:
Which leads to quite possibly the biggest surprise people face when trying to come to grips with JavaScript: it doesn’t have classes. You might assume that elsewhere in the code is the class definition for “Actor”, but instead you find something like this:
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From here it only gets worse when multiple inheritance is involved:
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Sometimes despite years of experience, even those who realise that JavaScript doesn’t have classes may still find themselves never quite grasping the concepts behind such cryptic syntax.
Taking a step back
To put these decisions in the proper historical context, we need to take a trip back to the year 1995. Java was the hot new web language, and Java applets were going to take over the world.
We all know how this story ends, but this was the environment in which Brendan Eich was toiling away at Netscape on his “little” web scripting langauge.
This cultural pressure resulted in some rebranding. What was originally “Mocha”, then “LiveScript”, eventually became known as “JavaScript”. While it may have eventually extended beyond its original scope, Brendan Eich wasn’t shy about pitching it as Java’s little brother.
It’s just a prototype
The problem, of course, is that despite JavaScript’s syntactic similarities to Java, its conceptual roots lay elsewhere. A dynamically typed language, it borrowed functional aspects from Scheme, and prototypal inheritance from Self.
In classical languages, like Java, instances are created from classes. JavaScript differs in that it has prototypal inheritance, in which there are no classes.
Instead, objects inherit from other objects.
Modern inheritance
To best understand the concepts behind prototypal inheritance, you must unlearn what you have learned. You’ll find it is much easier to appreciate object-to-object inheritance if you pretend you’ve never seen JavaScript’s misleading, classically-styled syntax.
In ECMAScript 5, the latest version of JavaScript available in all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE9+), we have new syntax for creating object-to-object inheritance, based on Douglas Crockford’s original utility method for simple inheritance:
If we use Object.create to recreate our ‘SilentActor’ example from earlier, it becomes much easier to see what’s really going on:
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In modern browsers, we also have a new method for reliably inspecting the prototype chain:
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In this simple example, we’ve been able to set up a prototype chain without using a single constructor or “new” keyword.
Walking the chain
So how does a prototype chain work? When we try to read a property from our new ‘busterKeaton’ object, it checks the object itself and, if it didn’t find the property, it traverses up the prototype chain, checking each of its prototype objects in order until it finds the first occurence of the property.
All this happens when we ask for the value of a property from an object.
In order to properly evaluate the value of ‘canAct’ on ‘busterKeaton’, the JS engine does the following:
- Checks ‘busterKeaton’ for the ‘canAct’ property, but finds nothing.
- Checks ‘silentActor’, but doesn’t find the ‘canAct’ property.
- Checks ‘actor’ and finds the ‘canAct’ property, so returns its value, which is ‘true’.
Modifying the chain
The interesting thing is that the ‘actor’ and ‘silentActor’ objects are still live in the system and can be modified at runtime.
So, for a contrived example, if all silect actors lost their jobs, we could do the following:
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Where’s “super”?
In classical languages, when overriding methods, you can run the method from the parent class in the current context.
In JavaScript we have even more options: we can run any function in any context.
How do we achieve this? Using JavaScript’s ‘call’ and ‘apply’ methods which are available on all functions. Appropiately enough, these are available because they exist on the ‘Function’ prototype.
They both allow us to run a function in a specific context which we provide as the first parameter, along with any arguments we wish to pass to the function.
Using our ‘silentActor’ example, if we want to achieve the equivalent of calling ‘super’, it looks something like this:
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If it took multiple arguments, it would look like this:
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Where are the constructors?
With this setup, it is quite simple for us to create our own DIY constructor:
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Understanding prototypes with a touch of class
Now that we’ve seen how simple object-to-object inheritance can be, it’s time to look at our original example again with fresh eyes:
‘Actor’ is, obviously, not a class. It is, however, a function.
It could be a function that does nothing:
Or, it could set some properties on the new instance:
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In our example, the ‘Actor’ function is being used as a constructor since it is invoked with the “new” keyword.
The funny thing about JavaScript is that any function can be used as a constructor, so there’s nothing special about our ‘Actor’ function that makes it different from any other function.
Clarifying “constructors”
Since any function can be a constructor, all functions have a ‘prototype’ property just in case they’re used as a constructor. Even when it doesn’t make sense.
A perfect example is the ‘alert’ function, which is provided by the browser. Even though it’s not meant to be used as a constructor (in fact, the browser won’t even let you), it still has a ‘prototype’ property:
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When ‘Actor’ is used as a constructor, our new ‘charlie’ object inherits from the object sitting at ‘Actor.prototype’.
Functions are objects
If you missed that, let me re-iterate. Functions are objects, and can have arbitrary properties.
For example, this is completely valid:
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However, the ‘prototype’ property of a function is where we store the object that all new instances will inherit from:
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Creating the chain
Setting up multiple inheritance with our class-like syntax should now be a bit easier to grasp.
It’s simply a case of making a function’s ‘prototype’ property inherit from another function’s ‘prototype’:
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Construction: Just 3 simple steps
At this point, it’s important to point out what’s going on inside a constructor. Instantiating a new object with a “constructor” performs three actions and, as an example, let’s take a look at what happens with our ‘Actor’ constructor:
This one line of the code does the following:
- Creates a new object, ‘charlie’, that inherits from the object sitting at ‘Actor.prototype’,
- Runs the ‘Actor’ function against ‘charlie’, and
- Returns ‘charlie’.
Coming full circle
You might think that this sounds awfully familiar because this precisely mirrors the steps in our “DIY constructor” from earlier, which looked like this:
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Just like our earlier example, asking our ‘busterKeaton’ object for the ‘canAct’ property will walk up the prototype chain, except this time the JS engine will act slightly differently:
- Checks ‘busterKeaton’ for the ‘canAct’ property, but finds nothing.
- Checks ‘SilentActor.prototype’, but doesn’t find the ‘canAct’ property.
- Checks ‘Actor.prototype’ and finds the ‘canAct’ property, so returns its value.
You’ll notice that the chain now consists of objects sitting at the ‘prototype’ property of functions, each of which had been used as the object’s constructor.
Keeping it classic
Even after understanding the syntax, it’s still common for people to want to get as far away from it as possible.
There are implementations of “classical” inheritance built on top of JavaScript’s prototypal inhertance, the most notable of which is John Resig’s famous “Class” function.
You’ll also find a lot of languages that compile to JavaScript, such as CoffeeScript or TypeScript, offer standard class syntax. TypeScript in particular ensures it closely resembles the draft ECMAScript 6 class specification.
Yes, the ES6 specification draft contains “class” sugar which, like CoffeeScript and TypeScript, is really prototypal inheritance under the hood.
Clearing the air
Of course none of the classical misdirection and shim layers can really replace a true understanding of prototypal inheritance and the power it affords you.
Hopefully this article has helped clear things up for you and, if you still find yourself puzzled, I hope at the very least that the next time you dig into prototypal inheritance, your mind will have been sufficiently prepared for thinking like Brendan Eich did all those years ago.
If not, there’s always Java applets.
Slides from Web Directions South 2012
This article is based on a presentation I gave on 18 October, 2012 at Web Directions South in Sydney, Australia. The slides are available online.