Embracing Touch
Cross-platform Scrolling
By Mark Dalgleish
Scrolling is the new hotness
- Infinite scroll, pull to refresh, end-of-page notices.
- Scrolling animation (e.g. Scrollorama)
- Parallax (e.g. Stellar.js)
Scrolling effects work best with inertial scrolling.
They should be perfect for touch platforms, but...
Mobile Safari spoils our fun
- Overflow:auto doesn't work how you'd expect... no inertia on scroll.
- Scroll events aren't triggered until scroll has completely stopped.
- We can't even run code using 'setInterval' while the page is scrolling.
Let's try a simulation of what this looks like...
If you scroll down, you'll notice that the parallax and fading effects won't run while the page is scrolling. Only when the page has stopped scrolling completely will any animation occur.
This is a simulation of how JavaScript execution is halted during scroll in Mobile Safari on iOS.
This is a simulation of how JavaScript execution is halted during scroll in Mobile Safari on iOS.
This is a simulation of how JavaScript execution is halted during scroll in Mobile Safari on iOS.
This is a simulation of how JavaScript execution is halted during scroll in Mobile Safari on iOS.
This is a simulation of how JavaScript execution is halted during scroll in Mobile Safari on iOS.
This is a simulation of how JavaScript execution is halted during scroll in Mobile Safari on iOS.
This is a simulation of how JavaScript execution is halted during scroll in Mobile Safari on iOS.

JavaScript to the rescue
Using a touch scrolling library allows us to imitate native scroll using JavaScript and CSS3 transforms.
iScroll by Matteo Spinelli:
Scrollability by Joe Hewitt:
Zynga Scroller by Zynga:
- Pretty row 1
- Pretty row 2
- Pretty row 3
- Pretty row 4
- Pretty row 5
- Pretty row 6
- Pretty row 7
- Pretty row 8
- Pretty row 9
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- Pretty row 40

Preparing the markup for iScroll
On touch platforms, "wrapper" has its overflow hidden, "scroller" is positioned using CSS3 transforms.
The example markup from Cubiq.org:
<div id="wrapper"> <div id="scroller"> <ul> <li>...</li> </ul> </div> </div>
Selectively initialising iScroll
Using Modernizr we can target touch platforms:
if (Modernizr.touch) { var myScroller = new iScroll('scroller'); }
Using Modernizr to style iScroll
#wrapper { overflow: auto; } /* Target the'touch' class generated by Modernizr */ .touch #wrapper { overflow: hidden; }
Scrolling — Desktop vs Touch
Normally we have scroll events, scrollTop, scrollLeft.
Using CSS transforms, we don't have scroll events. We need a cross-platform way to calculate scroll.
Instead of scroll events, let's use an animation loop...
Loop, there it is
(function animationLoop(){ window.requestAnimationFrame(animationLoop); // Animation logic goes here })();
'requestAnimationFrame' is currently prefixed in all supporting browsers.
Opera engineer Erik Moller has written a requestAnimationFrame polyfill.
Normalise the scroll position
function getScroll(elem, iscroll) { var x, y; if (Modernizr.touch && iscroll) { x = iscroll.x * -1; y = iscroll.y * -1; } else { x = elem.scrollTop; y = elem.scrollLeft; } return {x: x, y: y}; }
Get in the loop
var myScroller = Modernizr.touch ? new iScroll('scroller') : null; (function animationLoop(){ window.requestAnimationFrame(animationLoop); // Now we'll use our 'getScroll' function var scroll = getScroll(window, myScroller); // Values are now normalised cross platform: scroll.x; scroll.y; })();
If you scroll down, you'll now see how Mobile Safari performs during "scroll" when using JavaScript and CSS3 transforms to recreate a native scroll effect. You'll notice that animation can now run smoothly.
This is a simulation of animation while scrolling in Mobile Safari on iOS using iScroll.
This is a simulation of animation while scrolling in Mobile Safari on iOS using iScroll.
This is a simulation of animation while scrolling in Mobile Safari on iOS using iScroll.
This is a simulation of animation while scrolling in Mobile Safari on iOS using iScroll.
This is a simulation of animation while scrolling in Mobile Safari on iOS using iScroll.
This is a simulation of animation while scrolling in Mobile Safari on iOS using iScroll.
This is a simulation of animation while scrolling in Mobile Safari on iOS using iScroll.